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Sending $NEAR

You might want to send tokens from a contract for many reasons.

  • The contract uses something like the Storage Standard and needs to return deposits to users when they unregister.
  • Users pay into the contract and the contract later pays these fees to the maintainers, redistributes them to users, or disburses them to some cause the users vote on.
  • And more!

Blockchains give us programmable money, and the ability for a smart contract to send tokens lies at the heart of that ability.

NEAR makes this easy. Transferring NEAR tokens is the simplest transaction you can send from a smart contract. Here's all you need:

let amount: u128 = 1_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000; // 1 $NEAR as yoctoNEAR
let account_id: AccountId = "example.near".parse().unwrap();


In the context of a full contract and function call, this could look like:

use near_sdk::{json_types::U128, near, AccountId, Promise};

pub struct Contract {}

impl Contract {
pub fn pay(amount: U128, to: AccountId) -> Promise {

Most of this is boilerplate you're probably familiar with by now – imports, setting up near(contract_state), borsh, etc. Some interesting details related to the transfer itself:

  • U128 with a capital U: The pay method defined here accepts JSON as input, and numbers in JS cannot be larger than 2^53-1, so for compatibility with deserializing JSON to JS, the integer is serialized as a decimal string. Since the transfer method takes a number in yoctoNEAR, it's likely to need numbers much larger than 2^53-1.

    When a function takes U128 as input, it means that callers need to specify the number a a string. near-sdk-rs will then cast it to U128 type, which wraps Rust's native u128. The underlying u128 can be retrieved with .0 – used in transfer(amount.0).

  • AccountId: this will automatically check that the provided string is a well-formed NEAR account ID, and panic with a useful error if not.

  • Returning Promise: This allows NEAR Explorer, near-cli, near-api-js, and other tooling to correctly determine if a whole chain of transactions is successful. If your function does not return Promise, tools like near-cli will return immediately after your function call. And then even if the transfer fails, your function call will be considered successful. You can see an example of this behavior here.

Using near-cli or near-cli-rs, someone could invoke this function with a call like:

near call <contract> pay '{"amount": "1000000000000000000000000", "to": "example.near"}' --accountId benjiman.near
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