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Indexing Solutions on NEAR

Indexers are services that are constantly listening to the blockchain, processing the transactions and storing them in a database that can be easily queried.

Indexers are used by apps that need to access blockchain data efficiently, such as wallets and explorers.

  • BigQuery: Blockchain data indexing in NEAR Public Lakehouse is for anyone wanting to understand blockchain data.

  • NEAR Lake Framework: a companion library to NEAR Lake. It allows you to build your own indexer that watches a stream of blocks from a NEAR Lake data source and allows you to create your own logic to process that data. Keep in mind this is the one you want to use for future projects, instead of the Indexer Framework. Read why it is better.

  • Multichain Indexer: is an application layer that you can build your NFT or DeFi applications entirely on top of. In addition to raw transaction indexing, provides you with a standardized GraphQL API layer to easily tap into transactions across contracts and chains.

  • The Graph: development tools to process blockchain events and make the resulting data easily available via a GraphQL API, known individually as a subgraph. Graph Node is able to process NEAR events, which means that NEAR developers can build subgraphs to index their smart contracts.

  • GetBlock: developer tools offering a simple and reliable API access to multiple blockchains including NEAR Protocol.

  • NearBlocks: build precise & reliable dApps with NearBlocks APIs.

  • Covalent: for Aurora EVM indexing, Covalent provides a unified API bringing visibility to billions of Web3 data points.

  • NEAR Indexer Framework: a micro-framework providing you with a "live" stream of blocks. Useful to handle on-chain real-time events.

  • NEAR Indexer for Explorer: an indexer built on top of the indexer microframework. It watches and stores all events/data from the blockchain to a PostgreSQL database. You can clone the GitHub repository and customize your own indexer solution.

  • SubQuery: is an end to end multi-blockchain indexing solution that provides NEAR developers with fast, flexible, universal, open source and decentralized APIs for web3 projects. The NEAR starter project provides a template for developers to get up and running within minutes.

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